Partners & Staff

The Fraunhofer IOF is a pioneer in the field of applied research for optical quantum technologies and offers innovative solutions for applications in science and industry where quantum-technological systems have the potential to enable revolutionary applications, e.g., reliable quantum communication, low-noise quantum imaging, and advanced ion traps for quantum computers. For this purpose, optical systems are integrated, miniaturized, and optimized, whereby the competencies of the institute cover the entire quantum photonic process chain from modeling to system production – from basic physics to ready-to-use prototypes.
Depending on the area of application, the Fraunhofer IOF offers individual optical solutions. In the area of quantum communication, this ranges from space-capable high-performance sources for entangled photons to complete photonic system solutions based on adaptive optics to lightweight telescopes for space and ground systems.
In this context, the Fraunhofer IOF develops high-performance sources for photon pairs with the broadest possible wavelength spread and wavelengths from the infrared to the ultraviolet range. The system solutions open up new fields of application in low-light imaging as well as previously unexplored wavelength ranges and expand the portfolio of microscopic and telescopic imaging methods.
The Quantum Photonics Research Group of the IOF heads the Fraunhofer flagship project QUILT for quantum imaging and is one the founding members of the Thuringian Center for Quantum Optics and Sensors – InQuoSens.
Key Staff

ACP’s research covers fundamental and applied topics and generates more than 450 publications annually in international peer reviewed journals. The main aim, however, is to achieve synergy effects between the research institutes of the ACP, their industrial partners, and their numerous international collaborators in order to enable scientific and economic added-value.
Key Staff

Single Quantum is the market leader in the emerging field of superconducting single photon detectors. The company was founded in 2012 as a spin-off from the Technical University of Delft: a positive example of excellence in science can be translated into a successful business.
Single Quantum develops, builds, and markets single-photon detection systems based on superconducting nanowires. Since its beginning, the company has built an impressive track record in entrepreneurship, high-quality manufacturing, innovation, and engineering. Single quantum photon detection systems are being installed in universities, research institutes, and industrial research laboratories around the world.
A strong market is pulling for this emerging technology, which is reflected in continuously growing turnover that more than doubled every year since 2013. Accordingly, Single Quantum expands its team with highly specialized employees and invests in technical equipment and production facilities. To accelerate further growth, Single Quantum was awarded the prestigious Phase 2 grant for SME instruments by the European Commission, which supports disruptive innovations in small businesses with significant growth potential and global ambitions.
In addition, Single Quantum participates in the Quantum Flagship, an initiative of the European Commission to promote quantum technology and implement its application in society.
The Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) is located in Trentino, a province in northern Italy that is subject to a special statute of autonomy. The aim of the foundation is scientific excellence as well as innovation and technology transfer to companies and public services. The FBK, formerly known as Istituto Trentino di Cultura, was founded in 1962 by the Autonomous Province of Trento. To date, the company carries out studies mainly in the fields of information technology, materials, and microsystems and, thanks to a close network of alliances and collaborations, also carries out theoretical nuclear physics, networking, and telecommunications as well as studies on the effectiveness of public policy.
The KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) is Sweden’s largest and oldest technical university. It plays a central role in Swedish research and is active in a large number of European and international collaborations. KTH has a state-of-the-art clean room for nanofabrication, device processing and characterization, featuring a new electron beam lithography system, thin film deposition and evaporation facilities, and etching systems.
In particular a dedicated sputtering system for NbTiN and NbN can provide very high quality thin films for the fabrication of superconducting detectors. The KTH quantum optics laboratory consists of six experimental setups built around four cryostats. In particular, a Bluefors dilution cryostat enables optical measurements down to 10 mK and an attocube system with a photonic probe station specially designed for long term measurements with high stability.

Our experimental setups are complemented with tunable cw lasers, two wavelength and pulse length tunable OPO lasers addressing the relevant wavelength regions (80 MHz and 320 MHz), self-built low-loss transmission spectrometers, and NIR and IR superconducting single photon detectors. We also have several experimental setups for Tc measurements and for testing superconducting single photon detectors.
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